Rodrigo Acosta
Co-Host of Ether Podcast
I became a Christian in 2001, as a senior in high school. I had a very diverse religious background growing up and did not believe that there was anything special about Christianity. That all changed when over a period of two years, some friends had the patience to teach me the Gospel. When I understood Jesus' love for me my world completely changed.
Now, I am trying to use my knowledge of the Bible and some digital media related skills I acquired along the way to advance the Kingdom of God and bring people to Him.
Rodrigo Acosta has hosted 43 Episodes.
Ether Podcast - How to Study the Bible - Exegesis
November 6th, 2018 | 1 hr 2 mins
bible, bible study, christianity, church, discipleship, how to study the bible
We each grab a passage and we exegetic it.
Ether Podcast - Ether Talks - The Importance of Bible Study
November 2nd, 2018 | 54 mins
bible, bible study, christianity, church, discipleship
Alfredo Valentin from the Big Apple Church joins us this Ether Talk to discuss the importance of Bible Study.
Ether Podcast: Challenges of Reading Scripture
October 25th, 2018 | 1 hr 33 secs
bible, bible geeks, bible learning, bible study, christianity, discipleship
We continue our series on How to Study the Bible. In this episode we discuss some of challenges in reading the Bible and some of the consequences of misinterpreting it.
Ether Podcast - Ether Talks - Obstacles to the Kingdom of God
October 24th, 2018 | 1 hr 5 mins
bible, bible study, christianity, church, church and culture, church and politics
Steve LaFrance, joins us to talk about obstacles to advancing the Kingdom of God, big hint, we talk about politics.
Ether Podcast: Not About Us
October 15th, 2018 | 56 mins 15 secs
bible, bible learning, bible study, discipleship
The Bible is for us but not about us. In this episode we discuss how this realization can make more sense out of the Bible and deepen our Bible study
Bridging the Gap between the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments
September 24th, 2018 | 55 mins 28 secs
bible study, christianity, discipleship, holy spirit, new testament, old testament
Johnny Reus is back to further discuss the Holy Spirit. On our last Ether Talk, he discussed the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, now he discusses how to bridge the gap to the New Testament.
Ether Talks 1 - The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
September 12th, 2018 | 49 mins 28 secs
bible study, christian living, christianity, discipleship, holy spirit
We are starting a new podcast segment that we are calling Ether Talks. In it we invite someone to come on and talk to us about a Bible topic they are passionate about. For this first episode we invited Johnny Reus to talk to us about the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.
The Beginning
September 4th, 2018 | 54 mins 46 secs
bible study, christianity, discipleship, faith, gospel, resurrection
Mark 14-16 cover the last supper through the resurrection of the Christ. Then the book suddenly ends. We discuss why and we give our final thoughts on the book of Mark.
Jesus and the Temple Pt3
August 23rd, 2018 | 56 mins 42 secs
bible study, christ, christianity, discipleship, gospel of mark, prophecy
In Mark 13 Jesus prophecies the fall of the temple and Jerusalem. This is a passage that is hard to understand. Join us as we try to explain it.
Jesus and the Temple Pt2 - Jesus and the Sanhedrin
August 17th, 2018 | 54 mins 45 secs
bible study, christ, christianity, discipleship, gospel, messiah
In this second part of Jesus and the Temple, we delve deep into the background of the different groups that Jesus has conflict with in Mark 11:27-12:44
Jesus at the Temple Pt1
July 27th, 2018 | 1 hr 4 mins
christianity, discipleship, gospel, jesus christ, relgion
In chapters 11-13 of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus does and says monumental things regarding the temple in Jerusalem and its leadership. To understand the depth and breath of what he says we delve deep into the history, significance and place in Jewish society that the temple occupied.
Divorce Pt2 - Mark 10:1-12
June 27th, 2018 | 57 mins 12 secs
bible, bible study, christianity, discipleship, divorce, gospel, jesus
On this episode we are joined by John Brush, an elder with many years of shepherding experience, to discuss the many issues of discussion that revolve the subject of Divorce.
Divorce Pt1 - Mark 10:1-12
June 23rd, 2018 | 51 mins 43 secs
bible, bible study, christianity, discipleship, divorce, gospel, jesus
Mark 10:1-12 touches on the topic of divorce. This is a touchy subject in Christian circles and not enough of an issue for the majority of people. Join us, in this part one of a two part series as we discuss what Jesus taught about divorce and what it teaches us about marriage.
Morals For Disciples
June 8th, 2018 | 57 mins 42 secs
bible, bible study, christianity, discipleship, gospel, jesus
Jesus puts our morality and the morality of his time on its head. Challenging us to live in a way that would be good for the world at large.
May 31st, 2018 | 1 hr 1 min
bible, bible study, christianity, discipleship, gospel, jesus
After revealing to his disciples for the first time that he is going to die, Jesus takes Peter, James and John up on a mountain where he is transfigured. This event is monumental, it ties many symbolism of the old testament to Jesus' ministry and it is a clear sign that Jesus is the Messiah and that the Kingdom of God is here!
To Lose Is Gain
May 10th, 2018 | 49 mins 39 secs
bible study, christianity, discipleship, gospel, jesus
Jesus' instruction to his would be followers is very demanding, how we find life is by going along with his demands.